Wednesday 16 March 2016

Paint Filter Test

Summary of method
Place a predetermined amount of waste in a paint filter. If any portion of the waste passes through and drops from the filter within five minutes,the waste is deemed to be liquid waste.

Apparatus and materials
1. Conical paint filter: Mesh number 60 +/- 5%; available at local paint stores.
2. Glass funnel: If the paint filter containing the waste cannot sustain its weight on the ring     stand, then support it with a fluted glass funnel or a glass funnel with a mouth large enough     to allow at least 25 mm of the filter mesh to protrude. The fluting or large open mouth will     support the paint filter yet not interfere with the movement, to the cylinder or beaker, of     the liquid that passes through the filter mesh.
3. Ring stand and ring or tripod.
4. Cylinder or beaker.


Sample collection, preservation and handling
Use a 100 ml or 100 g representative sample for the test. If it is not possible to obtain a sample of 100 ml or 100 g that is sufficiently representative of the waste, use larger samples in multiples of 100 ml or 100 g. However, divide the larger sample into 100 ml or 100 g portions and test each portion separately. If any portion is liquid waste, the entiresample is considered to be liquid waste. If the sample is measured volumetrically, then it should lack major air spaces or voids.

1. Assemble test apparatus as shown in Figure 1.

2. Place sample in the filter in a funnel if necessary (see above). If the sample is of such light     density that it overflows the filter, extend the sides upward by taping filter paper to the     inside of the filter and above the mesh. Help the sample settle into the paint filter by     lightly tapping the sides of the filter as it is being filled.

3. In order to assure uniformity and standardisation ofthe test, cut material that does not     conform to the shape of the paint filter into small pieces and pourit into the filter. Reduce     particles to be tested to a size smaller than 1 cm (ie can pass through a 9.5 mm standard     sieve.) Do not grind materials as this can destroy the integrity of the sample and produce     many fine particles that would not normally be present.

4. For brittle materials larger than 1 cm that do not conform to the filter, light crushing to     reduce oversize particles is acceptable if it is not practicable to cut the material.

5. Allow the sample to drain for five minutes into the cylinder.

6. If any portion of the sample collects in the cylinder or beaker in the five-minute period then     the material is deemed to be liquid waste.

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